We deliver our water disinfection systems over the whole world at a very good price!

General description of water fertilization and disinfection with Cu2+ ions


Copper fertilization and electromagnetic treatment of water
for irrigation and fertilization of crop plants under cover and in open fields

Disinfection with Cu2+ ions


The Aqua-Hort system gives the possibility of controlled, electrolytic fertilization of crops with copper ions as a micronutrient fertilizer. Research at the Aarslev State Research Station in Denmark contributed to the emergence, over 18 years ago, of the idea of ​​using copper ions to disinfect water as an alternative to disinfection with other methods such as, e.g. UV, thermal or chemical method.

The copper ions produced in the Aqua-Hort system are positively charged, which makes them easily abolished with negatively charged molecules such as spores and organic substances. This positive effect is used to significantly reduce the amount of fungal spores, bacteria and algae. In addition, electromagnetic processing of flowing water in the Aqua-Hort device, to which copper ions have been added, increases their efficiency in combating pathogens.

Danish laboratory tests and the results of using the Aqua-Hort system in the world confirm that the controlled level of copper ions in water significantly prevents attacks of fungi, especially from the Pythium and Phytopthora groups. As is known, these two pathogens are very harmful to agricultural and horticultural crops. Both fungi form zoospores that spread in watery environments. Laboratory tests show that zoospores are killed immediately after exposure to water treated with copper ions by the Aqua-Hort system. Bacteria Xanthomonas, Agrobacterium, Ralstonia, Erwinia and Clavibacter are also killed after contact with copper ions dispensed within 2 to 4 hours. By using copper ions disinfection using the Aqua-Hort system, the growth of algae can be almost completely eliminated in the external water reservoir.

Controlled dosing of copper ions in the past has been difficult because copper ions are easily bound to compounds before they start to work. Thanks to the patented Aqua-Hort system at the time of watering, an adjustable, durable supply of copper ions to the flowing water is achieved. The released quantity of copper ions is in the fertilizer standards.

The standard Aqua-Hort system consists of a control box, an electromagnetic tube and 4 sets of 2 copper electrodes, a total of 8 electrodes placed in 4 pipelines from which copper ions are released into the flowing water. Polarity switching ensures that both electrode rods are used in a uniform manner. The flowmeter is also part of the Aqua-Hort system, which automatically adjusts the ions dosage to the changes of the water flowing through the device. Copper ion dosing is carried out while watering the crops. You can also use the Aqua-Hort system for spraying crops with clean water with copper ions, which significantly reduces the costs of plant protection.


Aqua-hort functions

The operation of the Aqua-Hort system causes, i.a.:

  • Limiting the number of spores of fungi, bacteria and algae
  • Elimination of fungi infection from the Pythium and Phytopthora groups
  • Elimination of bacteria: Xanthomonas, Agrobacterium Ralstonia, Erwinia and Clavibacter
  • Elimination of algae in open water reservoirs
  • Reduction of plant protection costs in crops under cover
  • Strengthening the root system and improving the health of the cultivated plants

Model Aqua-Hort Mini

Designed for small nurseries where pump flow does not exceed 5 m3 per hour, 20 gal/min = 75 l/min, 3,5 amp/output

  • Dimensions: 1,2 m long, 0,6 m high and 0,6 m wide
  • Control box: 30 x 30 x 20 cm
  • 63 mm tubes mounted on aluminium frame
  • 2x 16 mm electrodes, 1,0 m long, 7 kg Cu
  • Electromagnetic tube / Flow electro-magnetic ion amplifier
  • Flow meter (Bürkert) DN20
  • Frame: 100 x 69 cm

AquaHort models from 75 to 200 are ‘Standard’ models that work with a wide range of fertiliser mixers. The right model or the performance of the machine can be tailored to your needs and application. Below are the specifications of each model.


Model Aqua-Hort 75

10-12 m3 per hour, 40-50 gal/min = 150-190 l/min, 25 amp

  • Dimensions: 1,2 m long, 1,1 m high and 0,6 m wide
  • Control box: 40 x 50 x 20 cm
  • 75 mm tubes mounted on aluminium frame with wheels for easy adjustment
  • 4x 16 mm electrodes, 1,0 m long, 14 kg Cu
  • Electromagnetic tube / Flow electro-magnetic ion amplifier
  • Flow meter (Bürkert) DN32
  • Frame: 100 x 69 cm
  • Weight – 60 kg

Model Aqua-Hort 90

30 m3 per hour, 115 gal/min = 435 l/min, 25 amp or 50 amp

  • Dimensions: 1,7 m long, 1,4 m high and 0,6 m wide
  • Control box: 40 x 50 x 20 cm
  • 90 mm tubes mounted on aluminium frame with wheels for easy adjustment
  • 4x 20 mm electrodes, 1,5 m long, 33 kg Cu
  • Electromagnetic tube / Flow electro-magnetic ion amplifier
  • Flow meter (Bürkert) DN40
  • Frame: 130 x 99 cm
  • Weight – 90 kg

Model Aqua-Hort 110

45 m3 per hour, 170 gal/min = 644 l/min, 50 amp or 100 amp

  • Dimensions: 2,2 m long, 1,7 m high and 0,6 m wide
  • Control box: 40 x 50 x 20 cm
  • 110 mm tubes mounted on aluminium frame with wheels for easy adjustment
  • 4x 20 mm electrodes, 2,0 m long, 44 kg Cu
  • Electromagnetic tube / Flow electro-magnetic ion amplifier
  • Flow meter (Bürkert) DN50
  • Frame: 139 x 109 cm
  • Weight – 111 kg

Model Aqua-Hort 125

80 m3 per hour, 300 gal/min = 1135 l/min, 100 amp or 200 amp

  • Dimensions: 2,7 m long, 2,0 m high and 0,6 m wide
  • Control box: 40 x 50 x 20 cm
  • 125 mm tubes mounted on aluminium frame with wheels for easy adjustment
  • 8x 20 mm electrodes, 2,0 m long, 88 kg Cu
  • Electromagnetic tube / Flow electro-magnetic ion amplifier
  • Flow meter (Bürkert) DN110
  • Frame: 139 x 120 cm
  • Weight – 162 kg

Model Aqua-Hort 200

200 m3 per hour, 750 gal/min = 2840 l/min, 300 amp or 400 amp, 48 volt

  • Dimensions: 2,5 m long, 2,0 m high and 0,7 m wide
  • Control box: 40 x 50 x 20 cm
  • 4x 200 mm tubes mounted on aluminium frame with wheels for easy adjustment
  • 16x 20 mm electrodes, 2,0 m long, 180 kg Cu
  • Electromagnetic tube / Flow electro-magnetic ion amplifier
  • Flow meter (Bürkert)
  • Weight – 370 kg

Aqua-Hort Tank model

20 – 200 m3 per hour, 750 gal/min = 2840 l/min, 300 amp or 400 amp

  • Standing round tank / Pipe PE 400 mm / Reinforced with steel plates and girders
  • Dimensions: 1,2 m high, 0,5 m long and 0,5 m wide
  • 8x plate electrodes, 0,25 x 1,0 m, 55-216 kg Cu
  • Electromagnetic tube / Flow electro-magnetic ion amplifier
  • Flow meter (Bürkert)
  • Weight – 200-400 kg

The Aqua-Hort floating model is mainly used in external or internal tanks, from where water is drawn. The model with large electrodes is suitable for water with low conductivity, such as rainwater. In external tanks, retention tanks, lagoons, this model can solve the problems of algae. Very large amounts of water can be treated.

Aqua-Hort Boat model

200 m3 per hour, 750 gal/min = 2840 l/min, 300 amp or 400 amp

  • Dimensions: 3,0 m long, 1,0 m high and 1,6 m wide
  • Floats/tubes placed in a water reservoir mounted on an aluminium frame
  • 8x plate electrodes, 0,5 x 2,0 m, 220-600 kg Cu
  • Electromagnetic tube / Flow electro-magnetic ion amplifier
  • Flow meter (Bürkert)
  • Weight – 400-1000 kg
Basic Aqua-Hort models:
  Pipesm3/h amp Dimensions
 Aqua-Hort Mini75 mm1433120*110*60
 Aqua-Hort Standard90 mm3033 – 65170*140*60
 Aqua-Hort Tank Model400 mm10-20033 – 20060*130*60
Aqua-Hort Boat Model325 mm10-30033 – 200270*200*60

The use of the AquaHort system in the hydroponic cultivation of lettuce, herbs and potted plants and crops in the ground causes, among others:

  • Significantly reducing the use of chemicals
  • No chemical spraying was carried out for 6 months
  • Stronger plants less susceptible to fungal diseases Rhizoctonia Solani and grey mould
  • A large reduction in the occurrence of Phytophthora
  • The farm using the AquaHort system has been certified MPS

Ceropegia Uoli – almost no loss in the heat

Poinsettia – elimination of burnt foundations

The use of the AquaHort system in the cultivation of freesia in the soil has resulted in:

  • Strong and well-coloured plants
  • No necrosis on the leaves
  • Much stronger root system
  • Intense coloring of flowers
  • Strong and longer flower shoots
  • Side shoots after cutting the main shoot have full inflorescences
  • No flaming inflorescences
  • Increase in the number of flowers per m2 by approx. 30%
  • No loss of plants from soil diseases
  • Significant reduction of chemical spraying and the use of water spraying with 10ppm of copper ions
  • Much less ingredient fertilisation, eliminate nitrogen fertilisation

Control of the copper ion content in the irrigation system

Handheld photospectrometers to check the content of copper ions in water samples


Quality of water taken from the river and canal after filtering


The example cost of operating a water disinfection system using AquaHort in one of our projects is

0,18 pln / m3

with a flow of 1200 m3 / day

Gallery of implementations

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