Liners, sealing membranes for steel tanks, reservoirs, basins, lagoons and ponds

We are suppliers of the highest quality liners, waterproofing membranes for sealing tanks, storage silos and retention reservoirs for clean water and contaminated with chemical compounds.
We export these highest quality liners over the whole world!
Standard materials such as PVC, FPP, LDPE and EPDM are commonly used. Currently, after years of research, we can provide you with a new type of waterproofing liner – much more flexible, more durable and more resistant to external factors and any mechanical damage.

– DELAFLEX® can be used in all types and types of tanks
– DELAFLEX® waterproofing membranes for retention tanks are delivered in all (also very large) sizes.
– DELAFLEX® floor coverings are available in two thicknesses – 0.6 mm and 1.0 mm
– DELAFLEX® is welded in accordance with the guidelines of KIWA BRL-K 537.

We also deliver and assemble in indicated place complete steel tanks, silos, waterproofing materials, anti-limescale covers and steel cover.

In our tanks, reservoirs and silos we use following liners (sealing membranes) including:

  • DelaFlex 0,6mm and 1 mm thick – for all types and kinds of tanks for water, drinking water or liquid pollutants such as sewage, slurry, liquid manure. For DelaFlex material, we provide a 15-year warranty on factory-made welds as well as the material’s resistance to UV radiation.
  • PCV KIWA –ATA 0,5mm – for drinking water storage.
  • PVC Tropic 1mm – for clean water storage in temperate climate.
  • ASTRIN 0,5mm oraz 1mm – for clean water and waste water storage (drainage water, sewage).
  • EPDM 1 mm – for clean water and slightly contaminated water storage in cold and hot climate
  • HDPE, HDPE T-lining, LDPE, PVC Re-lining, Polyester with PVC protection.

DelaFlex – High quality liner

DelaFlex – Physical characteristic

DelaFlex – Physical characteristic

Physical characteristic HDPE

DelaFlex – Chemical characteristic

LDPE – Standard quality thickness 1 mm

The Green Team company guarantees the DelafleX material regarding UV resistance and factory-made welds
for storage of the following substances:

  • water – 15-year warranty
  • animal liquid manure / slurry – 10-year warranty
    (for DelafleX with a thickness of 1 mm)
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