We implement irrigation systems of greenhouses, nurseries and gardens

Irrigation systems of greenhouses

Below we present a video from one of our complex projects – construction and equipment of water-pumping rooms and irrigation systems in the greenhouses

One of the stages of the implementation of turnkey projects is to equip the greenhouse with appropriate irrigation systems. Depending on the type of investment – its size and the specificity of the crops – we choose the optimal solutions. We use, among others, irrigation arms (booms), white or black PE lines with drippers equipped with pressure compensation, sprinkler systems, tapes and drip lines, micro-sprinklers and fogging systems.

  • Irrigation arms (booms) – suspended under the constructions of a greenhouse, tunnel or moving on the surface of the ground. The booms move along the crop rows. Single, double or even triple rows of nozzles can be mounted on the boom arms, depending on the required spraying in the particular crop.Booms / arms move along the crop using an electric motor. In addition to the irrigation function, they can also be used for the distribution of plant protection products, as well as fertilization. They are also used for watering plants in small containers (e.g. planting vegetables, rooting seedlings in forest nurseries). They provide very high watering accuracy. It can have several types of irrigation nozzles, including foggers for cooling plants. With the help of the boom you can carry out in-leaf fertilization and carry out protective treatments. The boom may have a controller for programming operating times or it may be activated by an external signal, e.g. from a climate computer.

  • Micro sprinklers – they are used to sprinkle the crop, thus regulating the level of humidity in crops. The nozzles eject water in the form of very fine droplets, thus creating mist, which is a factor shaping the microclimate. They are used for spraying plants or fogging, that is raising the humidity of the air. For spraying, spray inserts in the form of nozzles with different water capacity are used. For fogging, on the other hand, fogging nozzles with the lowest possible water capacity are used. Micro sprinklers should be equipped with anti-drip.

  • Irrigation tape – a method often used in seasonal foil tunnels for growing cucumbers, tomatoes, strawberries, etc. as well as in open crops. The pipe runs along the rows of plants, close to the base of the stems. Next to them constantly work drippers, which provide water to the plants. They are used for irrigation of seasonal row crops in the ground (e.g. cucumbers, tomatoes, peppers, strawberries), as well as for irrigation of subsoil mats. The irrigation tape is a thin-walled polyethylene pipe (wall thickness 0,2-0,4 mm), with a diameter of 17 mm, which has water-emitting drippers glued to the pipe wall at a fixed distance. The tape operates at very low working pressure.

Drip lines come in two types: without pressure compensation or with pressure compensation. Pressure compensation ensures the same outflow of water from each dripper and allows for longer lines.

  • Drippers – this kind of solution can be seen when growing plants in containers, as well as in soilless crops, in horticultural production. On the irrigation pipeline, drippers are mounted as a water-emitting element, which can also be inserted into the polyethylene pipe anywhere. The spacing of the drippers on the pipe depends on the spacing of the plants. Individual drippers can be additionally equipped with double or quadruplets, with which water can be divided into two or four drip points from one dripper. Drippers are selected depending on the water/fertilizer capacity needed for a particular crop.


The irrigation system of crops under shelter (tunnel, greenhouse) or crops in open areas, for example in nurseries, should be equipped with additional accessories for filtration. We are able to calculate the capacity of the designed installation, pressure losses as well as choose the filtration method and the method of dosing fertilizers, etc. We offer a wide variety of filtration systems such as disc filters, screen filters, cyclones, as well as a full range of pumps, fertilizer mixers and Dosatrons. We can help you design the entire irrigation system with the selection of automation, fertilizer mixer or Dosatron. We can also create, at your request, superior automation based on computer visualization based on touch panel, controlling all stages and elements of the irrigation and fertilization system in your company.


In the selection of suitable solutions, we always serve you with our advice and experience.


Below we present examples of photos from our implementation of irrigation systems in the greenhouses

Irrigation of nurseries of trees, shrubs and ornamental plants

Below we present a video from one of our complex projects – construction of a nursery irrigation system using equipment for disinfection of water with copper ions

Irrigation of gardens

We make modern, automatic systems for irrigation of gardens and green areas. Our service is comprehensive from design, through assembly to commissioning of the installation.

Our garden irrigation project includes the detailed course of the installation and the determination of the necessary equipment and materials needed to complete the installation and their specification, i.e.:

  • controllers and sensors with which it is possible to fully automate the operation of sprinklers
  • solenoid valves for opening and closing the water supply
  • sprinklers (rotary, static, micro sprinklers) or drip line – depending on the the size of the
  • garden, its specificity, vegetation
  • layout of sprinklers range in the installation divided into sections
  • pipe diameters


The irrigation system thus designed and implemented requires practically no maintenance. Depending on the selected control version, the irrigation system can even take into account weather forecasts or current weather conditions. Our systems are activated when necessary or remotely. Properly programmed controllers together with rainfall, sunshine and humidity sensors ensure even and accurate spraying and irrigation of lawns and flower beds, as well as appropriate soil moisture levels. Our irrigation systems are optimised to ensure correct irrigation with maximum water efficiency.

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